Student Life

Inside South Texas ISD World Scholars, our students find a place to cultivate their interests and form friendships with others from across the Rio Grande Valley. From award-winning academic programs with opportunities for hands-on learning inside and outside of the classroom, to athletic pursuits, the arts, and extracurricular activities tailored to all kinds of passions, our students experience a vibrant and rewarding student life.

September 30, 2022 Spirit Week

pep rally

Week 4 kicks off spirit week, ending with our first pep rally sponsored by the Senior Class! 

Spaced Out is the theme, with spirit dress up days of Pajama Day, Twin Dynamic Duos, Adam Sandler Day, Whiteout for underclassmen and Blackout for upperclassmen, and a finale Spaced Out theme according to class. 

Great job Lions in bringing the school spirit at the beginning of the 22-23 school year! 

Spaced Out Spirit Week Themes

Pajama Day

pajama day
pajama day

White Out/Black Out


Twin Duos

twin day
twin day
twin day
twin day

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