Faculty & Staff
This Faculty & Staff Hub includes numerous resources for World Scholars employees.
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Frequently Used Links - - - >
Frequently Used Links
- Office 365 - STISD Webmail
- Skyward Family Access
- itslearning
- Canvas
- Edgenuity
- Mastery Connect
- Frontline Learning Plan
- Employee Portal
- Teacher Substitute Requests
- SchoolDude - Maintenance + Tech Requests
- NeoGov
Office 365 - STISD Webmail
Skyward Family Access
Mastery Connect
Frontline Learning Plan
Employee Portal
Teacher Substitute Requests
SchoolDude - Maintenance + Tech Requests
Technology Support - - - >
Technology Support
Microsoft Teams
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Contact Us
- District Services Center
- South Texas ISD World Scholars
- World Scholars Technology
- World Scholars Directory
- World Scholars Counseling Department
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District Services Center
South Texas ISD World Scholars
World Scholars Technology
World Scholars Directory
World Scholars Counseling Department
Events Calendar
Latest News
STISD invites district parents and others from the tri-county community to join us for the “South Texas ISD Parent Connection: Supporting Your Child’s Emotional Health” Spring 2025 Parent Sessions to be held this spring.
The sessions will be held Thursday, Feb. 6, and Thursday, March 6, and will be available in-person and virtually.
Read the full article for topics and locations.
STISD will host the next session in its Emergent Bilingual Parent Institute Series on Thursday, Jan. 30, at 9 am at STISD Medical Professions in Olmito.
This is a great opportunity for parents of language learners to come learn how to support their children's linguistic, cognitive and social emotional development at home.
As a result of the closure of our campuses and offices on Tuesday, Jan. 21, due to the inclement weather conditions, we will need to make up the instruction missed on that day through our designated Weather Make-up Day on Monday, Feb. 10. This make-up day will include all students and staff district wide.
On Wednesday, Jan. 29, the STISD Special Programs Department will host two virtual parent information meetings – one in English and one in Spanish – regarding STISD’s Gifted and Talented program. During the sessions, we will:
- Review the nomination/referral process
- Share the opportunities provided through the program
Taking into account the most recent weather updates from the National Weather Service, we have decided to close all STISD campuses and offices tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 21, and to have a delayed start on Wednesday, Jan. 22. We will resume our regular schedule on Thursday as of now.